Fats, oil, and grease (FOG) come from meat, butter, lard, food scraps, sauces, dressings, dairy products, and cooking oil. When FOG goes down the drain it hardens and causes sewer pipes to clog. This can lead to a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) where raw sewage actually backs up into your home, lawn, neighborhood, and streets. Not only does this nasty mess cause health issues, it can also run into a nearby stream or river which affects our drinking water. Sometimes it even affects the waters in we partake in recreational activities such as swimming, tubing, kayaking, fishing, and boating.
These clogs in our pipes are also very expensive to repair! To repair clogged pipes in your home can cost you hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars. Our cities spend tens of thousands of dollars every year clearing clogs caused by FOG buildup.
So, what can you do to stop this problem?
Make sure you scrape your food scraps, grease, and sauces from your plates and pans into the trash! Never down the drain! And, remember, you can recycle your used cooking oil at many locations around the Houston-Galveston region!